

 To avoid cannibalism ,pecking of father ,vent and toes of birds.To avoid selective feeding in order to achieve uniform chick growth .Planning to arrangement of equipment from  GP hatchery beak is trimmed by  infrared (IRBT) .If not done at hatchery then beak trimming should be done at farm level .

*Plan and arrange the equipment before  the process of beak trimming .

*Beak trimming machine with stand -1 no for every 10000 chicks ,One blade  for 5000 chicks ,basket or cage ,chair  or stool ,safety power facility .

Ensure that the equipment are in proper  and blade are sharp enough .Beak trimming  is done  by skilled  persons (preparation internal persons)whose skill is certified by manager production .


One day before ,on day and one day after of beak trimming  stress relieving medicine (vitamin k 3)is  to be administered through water .

*5 gm of medicine in drinker water for 300 chicks once  a day .Avoid using sulpha during during this period  as  they cause prolonged  bleeding ..

Feeder and drinker management 

*Fill the drinker with Sanitized  water and feeders  with minimum 2/3rd level of feed  .

*Avoid empty feeder and drinker .

Day of beak trimming 

*The beak trimming process to be completed from sixth or seventh day chicks receipt .

Time of beak trimming 

*Beak trimming has to done  only at cool hours.

*Ensure  beak trimming at cool hours and not in the  hot time .

Preparation of  the  equipment 

*Fit the blade in the machine .

*Gop between the blade  and the machine is to be adjust at the beak of birds .

*Switch on the equipment and wait until blade became red hot.

*Stabilizer  can be provided to avoid voltage  fluctuation .

*Ensure blade is red hot 

Beak trimming process 

*1/3rd the beak are cut and cauterized inform the nostril for females and cauterizing .

*The beak trimming should be uniform to all chicks .

*change the blade for every 3000 chicks .

*If the beak trimming is not done proper it will lead  to poor flock uniformity ..

*Great care must be taken to ensure  perfect cauterization  when beak trimming is done to beak infection .

Key point 

*Beak trimming to be performed by the trained ,competent personnel and properly supervised .



*Hotness red 

*Frequently monitor  the bleeding after beak trimming and arrest the  bleeding by proper cauterizatoin .

*After beak trimming feeders should be filled 3/4 level to prevent the bleeding .

*Feeders &drinker  emptied during beak trimming .

*Blade orange  colour .

*Over press of the heat part.

From 9th day  onward  the will start falling .In 100% chicks beak falling  will be completed on or before 18th day .After 20 day the chicks appeard as follows. Please monitor for the deviation if any..


*Sixth week to 10th week ;achieve target body weight by 70 days with minimum CV.continue development of skeletoin growth ,Immune system ,cardiovasclar system and feathers.

11th week to 15th week ;follow body weight  profile and maintain uniformity.

16th to 24th week ;Stimulate reproductive development by increased growth ..

floor space 

provide required space for female &males after 100%grading in each pen .

floor space calculation ;floor space ( area )=(length of the shed *breath of the shed )no of the birds 

Age female space 4th to 6th week ;space 12 

7th to 8th week 1.5

9th week 2

10th week 2

11 to 15 weeks 2.5

Age male 

4th to 6th week 1.5

7th to 10th week 2.0 

9th week 2.5

11th to 16th 3 

17th on wards 3.5-4.0


arrange all the required material for grading 

*Birds shifting creates ,weighing scale 1 kg of 10 gm variation 5 kg of 25 gm variation ,10 kg of 50 gm variation ,curtain and husk bag ,note paid  ,body weight chart ,Arrange a team of worker in the ratio of 8-10 persons for 10000 birds ..

*Time of reading 4 to 5 hours after feed clean up.

*We can do breathing with empty stomach. We can start grading at 6 a.m. to 10 equal the words before 12 noon. Then we can give be give the allotted feed. In another method grading by empty stomach 50% off the field can be given yesterday evening and balance 50% field can be given two day after grading . Frequency of grading to be done at 4th 8th 12th and 16th week. Uniformity of but is not achieved 85% then hundred percent grading to be done at any age. Final grading must be done at 22 week 22 week summer 22 wk winter.from 4th week till housing and grading should be followed for small birds in wheat words separation by weakly basis. Empty body weight  grading with feeding after grading. All wedding scale to be celebrated with know weight.

Sample body weight 

*Check the body weight of 10% of the words in each pen. Calculate the average weight percentage and range of the weight for each pen. Best on percentage of birds by grade in simple weight chart allowed the pen for the birds based on grades. The weight is calculated for the purpose of elaborating the required floor. Feeder in drinkers face for each grade. 4th and 6th week age for 50 grams

Seventh 10th week for 75 grams

11 and 15 per hundred grams

16th week onward 150 gm 

Consider the chicks in 4th week

Standard weight is 490 gram. The grading is done on the basis of of variation of 50 grams. Most below 390 grams and below. Below 392 to440 grams. Standard 442 to  540gm 

Above 540 to 590 GM's 

Most above 590 gram and above 

Males grading 

Drilling can be done at 4th week

Selection of good meals at 6th week based on body weight and males

Big breath ,clean nose, clean  ears ,wings front and back,

bright good fit hearing posture strength back strength shank and strength fingers

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