*Min 95% of chicks should be in crop-filled condition from day one onwards.
*100% greding to be done at 4 th week .
The crop to be recorded in the master sheet after feeding within one hour.Plan for the improve feed consumption . the field to be distributed carefully without stamping the chicks. those are blocked then it is to be cleaned with net cloth. take care checks should not get struct up below the feeders while placing it.
WATER MANAGEMENT place the required number of chicks drinker at per the darji X drinker are are gradually replaced with the jumbo drinker are per the table. from the first day on what introduce the nipple drinker. seven drinker nipple space. first 3 days-hundred pics drinker and 56 for nipple
4th day to till in the third week-75/6 for drinker and it chicks for Nipple.
Bharat ek onwards calling-86 new full and 2 to 4 drinker for birds.
always keep the cheeks drinker in field condition with sanitize water.
ensure the water is sanitized when your consumed by the chicks. maintain the required 8 of space of the chicks drinker for easy necessary accessible for chicks. the nipple height is fixed to the level of the chicks. push the water from the pipeline at least one time on morning. drinkers should be cleaned a way if there is any dirty is marked to be cleaned by using the bleaching powder.building code can be hanging at the chicks level from first day onwards with 80%. do not remove all the drinker for cleaning. feel the sex drinker fully and keep into the brooder. Avoid half feeling. 8 removal of checks drinker and addition of Jumbo drinker in loading.for 506 in case of neutral set first week 8 to 10 people per brother and from second week on what increased number of nipple for brother engage full nipple will be introduced one nipple for 6 to 8 birds.first day 85% chicks drinker 15% bell drinker. Second 85% chicks drinker and 15% bell drinker. Second week 1212 check breakers 10 bell drinker.
Too hot-sex in the edge of the Buddha around. Kindle for the site kutton and rice the height of the the Hover.
Too cold-Chicks are huddled under the work and any one of the corner. Check the working condition of the gas brooder and lower the height of the gas brooder if necessary place is heating source. The relative humidity need at 65% RH level does not go beyond 75% gorge side curtain are often to bring down RH level. For increase the RH level during brooding sprinkle water around the broader on floor and spread gana cloth and sprinkle water. Weight gane cloth can be placed inside at near side wall. Sale outside water can be sprayed using pressure washer for both side of the the side up 8 to 5 feet . Performance and laws of uniformity can result from low relative humidity in the first week.when RH fails below 50% during breathing action to increase the RH percent is required to prevent cheeks becoming dehydrated.if the cheques are too warm or too cold in the first 14 days then they will not start well low feed intake dehydration and therefore early growth will be e depressed and furthering will patchy and slow.
Maintain 60 to 65%.for increase the pH level during breathing keep water in basin near the breeder in each shed. RH percent level should not read beyond 75%.if it goes side curtain are to be open up from the top of button to ever direct wind on the cheeks and during down RH percent level.
Fix the Bolt with top cover is necessary require 5 CPL for LED bulb each brooder to be distributed equally and shades should be noticed inside the Brooder. Day by day the time of lighting in the evening hours each reduced. Switch on the light for first day by 6 p.m. and second day by 7:00 p.m.. lighting hours reducing from 2nd day evening from 6pm.Ensure the requirement and power of lighting is provided everyday never increase the lighting hours during the breeding and growing period. 136 words CPL for 40 watts florescent bulb for every 200 square feet at height of 3 feet from the letter. Intensity of light 60 to 100 lux of 6 level.in appropriate lighting programs will result in over or under stimulation of the flock. Checks are very sensitive in day length any accident seepage of light should be corrected immediately to maintain control of their length. Chick may not respond to low intensity artificial light stimulation when reach a light intensity natural daylight. The cotton is is adjusted when inside temperature of the said is higher chicks are found printing and corian the worker notice for heat. Close the curtain when the room is cooler than outside.Depending on the wind direction and temperature when required side curtain are closed or open. Open the cotton when temperature is high end it it to be done from the top. Poor air quality due to under ventilation and brooding may cause damage to the lung surface and bird more susceptible to the respiratory...
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