shed cleaning is carried out after transfer or culling of all the birds and completed two week before arrival of chicks.
The cleaning schedules are are looked by the form labours and carried out by worker.
1-rate control measures insecticide spray pipeline push out.
2-equipment removal.
3-manure removal.
4-dust and cob web removal flame on burning feather burning outside cleaning.
5-water wash equipment cleaning shed repairing and painting work.
6-second water wash with washing powder curtain wash waters office and other rooms disinfection.
7-castic soda sprinkle.
8-outside scrapping process flame gun in and outside.
9-white wash sad and other buildings.
10-arrangements of feeders curtains.
11-disinfect spray in and around the set pipeline push out in over head tank cleaning.
12-brooding arrangement disinfect spray fumigation.
13-lab test to be done on 10 days before chicks arrival.repeat the disinfect spray prepared by...
13-final disinfection one day before chicks arrival after making complete breathing arrangement.
Control quality parameter
prepare the cleaning plan 1 week before calling and allowable time to be minimum 10 to 15 days between completion of shed and chicks receipt cleaning and clicks received.
Arrangement of cleaning consumables and equipment
the required cleaning materials equipment for cleaning the set are receive one week Prior culling.
Cleaning equipment
. Flame gune and power spray.
. Car washer and house 30 metres basket.
. Coir brush brooms,gloves.
.Gum boot
.Crowner,spade .
. Cutting plier& binding wires.
. Tester
E.X for 10000 birds capacity farm
. Rate control zinc phosphide 250 gram/aluminium phosphide.204/206 15liter for 2 times in the out side .
. Washing soda 3kg for thousand square feet formalin 5% solution for thousand square feet bleaching powder hundred kg sprinkling and cleaning hydrogen peroxide 5% nipple nozzle and pipeline caustic soda 180 kg e for thousand square feet to be used twice if containment form. Lim stone 25 kg for thousand square feet. LPG cylinder 19 kg insecticide 5 litre of shopoil 30 litres. Safety gadgets-gumboots. Hand gloves. Face marks. Helmet, first aid kit....
Ensure the equipments are under working condition in sufficient quantity of consumables like fuel gas are available. Declining consumables sold be available in sufficient quantity. The requirement amount of water is available.
.before removal of minor equipments start spray malathion 10 ml per litre of water on later inside outside set rope one side mesh and floor.on the outside insecticide to be sprayed on the side wall and up to 3 metres from the side wall spray on nest boxers equipments and all materials present inside. Fine spray to be given to all the area.
, This is to kill all insects, lice mites which carry the infection.
. Further menur removal and cleaning can be started from next day
. Removing and cleaning of equipments
Dismantle all the equipments show the path in the shop I'll disinfect clean using Grover and again deep into the recent facts. Clean the salt formation of drinker using de Diluted SCL. Leland rocks to be removed and cleaned compulsory as it carries infection load.
. Shop oil 10 ml per litre of water
. 204&206 5ml per litre of water
.clean the feeder drinker and its spring and rubber material by deeping in it the cleaning solution.
. Remove the cutain and clean with the running water and car washer.
.Broken hinge ,holes are to be mended before re hanging it.
Drain the water
kya kendriya kar pipeline water to be drained completely after culling all the birds.
remove the core web dust from the rope side wall and mess using duster and grooms. remove the later calendar down cobwebs dust from the floor and outside of the said and dispose them alway from the set to avoid cross maintenance..
Dead insect,trains and heavy does to be remove and dispose as soon as possible. Clean the dust and litter particles in an outside of the said by brooms collect and dispose them away from the said to avoid cross contamination. Use coir brush removing heavy dust. Shed outside to be cleaned 10 feet from the side one. Dosage-100 ml round off 150 gram of ammonium phosphate 10 litre of water to be sprayed at outside to prevent grass growth.
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