To avoid mails taking feed in female feeder and running between female figures. Males which steal female feed vin leads to high body weight and which may not meet properly and poor Hatchibility. This can be avoided by stall feeding. Stand area sold we arrange As 3.5 to 4 square feet for males. Stall areas should be at the other end of the door. Put kathan about 4 feet height to grape separate stall area. Mel Speed height can be reduced to 15 inches with stands onehub will be fix and the other have to be open and required to melt feeders and one bell drinker will be inside the stall area.meals feeder height can be reduced to 15 inches with standard as for number of actual number of males in the pen. Locate the males feeding space cover the extra space in the mails feeder. Drinking water dept should be three or third height for has to be increase nipple line is included in stall area, ensure that cotton is closed properly over the nipple line nearby stall feeding cotton female figures should not be there keep for 25 feet empty space. This prevent females enter inside. Ensure gap between meals feeder and walls for free movement of meals. While feeding put the female feeder first. When will lowering down the female spider you can put male feed. While feeding meals put feed first in side males feeder allowed by the other feeder.making sound by typing aukat aur mails filter will attract the mails toward feeder. After all meals enter the stall area close the curtains. After closing check if any mails are left outside. Its sound catch and put them inside the the stall area immediately.similarly check for any females inside the stall area if found catch for put them outside immediately.
The feeding team is responsible to check the the end watch males and females after completion. Of the work then only they have to move to next room for feeding.after completion of female speed only we have to open the stall feeding cotton and release the males. One or two persons based on the form capacity has to be engage for releasing meals. At what time the style should be release is to the the decided based on field completion time by in in labour.
If the cotton or damage males come outside. Cotton gaps at bottom side wall near pillar should be checked and corrected. Mails manager job outside by standing on the feeders. Arrange meals feeder accordingly e-mails left outside will not get for feed and other meals inside the style may get higher feat quality. And if female left inside style in will get males field only males will not get recommended quality. If style opening delayed, mails try to job out side and become a habit or it try to damage the cotton to come out.water level in drinking water at correct level the males can not get water till cotton opening. Style area little sold not wait to prevent bumbles foot. Before leaving the room confirm all the mails are inside style in all the females are outside the stall. Check where there you have close the the cotton perfectly .
before opening check animals are outside the present we have to to revise the cotton arrangement. In the middle awards some room to be audited by the the incharge of supervisor for the males escaping outside the stall area. Check the crop score of mails periodical ly. Cotton to be fixed can be with chicken mesh and netion .This is to avoid mails damaging the cottons. Use single curtains only for full length. Find and fix perfect. We have to use this still culling.Ensure everyday monitoring of cartons during feeding. Check 100% meals body weight in 3 rooms for 10000 words capacity form every week and monitoring the body with derivation. And for other ROMs take 10% body weight. Count mails at every handing and ensure correct feet quantity. Use digital scale for the Males feed weightment. Don't use the round and tubular scale for feed weightment. This type of females will be seen after 54 week. This possible seasons. Mel saroti o more than needed. Presence of non layer. Meals roti or to be check point 5% of meals can be received if needed. Remove all non layer.
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