Insight on poultry vaccination Vaccine in poultry production are used to prevent
or reduce problem that can occur from infection of the field strain of a disease
organism "virus, parasites" as well as to hyper ammunize hens to
maximize matternally derived antibody pass through the eggs the hatching
progeny.. TYPE OF VACCINES poultry poultry vaccines are typically characterized
as 1-modified or attenuated live naturally or genetically modified from the
fields train. 2-inactivated holes virus/bacteria in activated during production
and formulated in an injectable farm.. 3-the recombinant vaccines are made using
life virus/bacteria as vector to transport the Jain coding from protective
antigen of a second infection agent for which immunity is desired. antigen content( LIVE )
smaller quantity of antigen vaccination response relies on the multiplication within the words.
mass application (LIVE) administrated drinking water spray.
maternal to derived antibody interference.
local local immunity local immunity stimulated trachea for gut.
tissue reaction(live)
tissue reaction commonly As a vaccine reaction is possible and frequently visible in a variant of tissues.
Large amount of antigen no multiplication after administration. Always injected in each birds. or capable of eliciting and immune response in the face of exciting antibody.local immunity may be stimulated if use age a booster but two degree response is or absent. No microbial multiplication therefore no tissue reaction outside that which is at adjuvant defendant.
1 -The
Success of episodes against against preventable disease.the attributable in part to proper storage and handling of vaccines.
2-vaccine must include a proper storage and handling procedure. It is the basic on which good ammoniation practices are built.
3-vaccine storage and handling errors advisors affect the the potency and effectiveness of the exchange.
4-vaccine storage and handling training should be provided to all personnel who handle vaccines
5-regular temperature maintaining his visit to proper cold chain management.
. For most of fridge drive in inactivated vaccines.Must be keep in a fridge at a temperature between 2 degree 2 degree Celsius treating extreme hatching. The fridge should be connected to to stand one power generator all times.
. In the refrigerator direction should we store in the middle of the the compartment away from the wall floor and cold near rent.
. The temperature near the floor of refrigerator not stable for different from the from that the middle of the compartment for this reason vaccine should never be started store in the the refrigerator door.the temperature near the floor of refrigerator is not able to differ from that it is middle to the compartment for the region where should we never be stored in the refrigerator door fridge temperature in the the door is not stable and different from that is the main compartment. Main compartment there should be consideration given to limiting opening the stores fridge during the day at the uses .2016 bhi kaun kaun si dress on given two limiting operating opening the stores fridge during the the day at this uses temperature fluctuation .
. all vaccines are approved for use by a specific route for route of administration.
. Careful planning in in preparation as well as consistency in the vaccine applications are key to a successful outcome directions administration fault are one of the most common cause of a Flock foor response response to vaccination.
It is important to have all vaccination staff will train in the principle of of handling vaccine In there administration.
It is the most commonly used vaccinations technique used in the field. Vaccination by drinking water is widely administer that in the early morning. The birds should be water staff bye depriving them of water for approximately one by two hours to be sure that the birds are ready to drink once the weeks in solutions is addition of the skimmed milk powder as a stabilizers by leader of for addition for commercial addition of the skimmed milk powder as a stabilizers by leader of for addition for commercial blue vaccine stabilizer to water as it easy to check the solution has been distributed correctly to the drinker and also the bards currently from the vaccine.
Use only plastic material for vaccination and not disinfected but rinsed thoroughly and dried .
The volume of water needed for vaccination for a consumption period of 2 hour is calculated .
Skim milk powder or vaccine stabilizer added to all the vaccine water 20-30 minutes before adding vaccine .The metal caps of the vaccine vials are removed without disturbing rubber stopper.Vaccine vials are immersed completely ,then removed the rubber stopper .Gentle agitation in order to reconstituted vaccines in the drinkers;this must be within 30 minutes to avoid any loss of quality associated with the preservation of the vaccine in water .The vaccine operator should move around the building to check no drinkers have been forgotten and encourage any birds that are lying down to get up $drink.
Eye drop vaccination in one of the most effective vaccination methods as each bird administrate a complete dose of the vaccine .
The diluent at the time of reconstitution must be between 2-8 .open the diluent bottle and using a disposable syringe 'remove 3 ml of diluent and inject the lyophilized vaccine vial Rinse the vaccine vial with diluent to get rid of any residents.Shake the diluent bottle slowly and attach the eye drop nozzel .The success of vaccination will take place only if the drop is placed into the nasal caavity ;so you must wait few seconds before releasing the bird .It is large dose is to be used ;them with ice in order to prevent the reconstituted vaccine from getting warmer.Check the bird that are successfully vaccinated and record them also record any problem that occurred during the process...
This method is usually for AE; fowl pox ;chicken virus anaemia.
Reconstitute the vaccine its specific diluent provided by the manufacture .Use the bio-forked needle and dip it in the reconstituted vaccine .Make sure that the grooves of the needle are well filed with vaccine solution .Administer the vaccine in the centre of the wing -web and avoid veins,muscles ,bone and joints .A good practise is to change the needle too deep as it wastes the vaccine.Checking the vaccine is performed 6-10 days post vaccination .Immunization of bird is indicated by local inflammatory reaction .....Intra muscular vaccine into the muscle .Subcutaneous vaccine under the skin
The vaccine must be removed from the fridge at least 12 hours prior use to improve the fluidity of vaccine .Shake the vaccine gently before and during the vaccination process to homogenize the content .Use only sterile disposable 5 ml-20 ml syringe and 18 g needle to prepare the vaccine .Use only only approved strile inject -able diluent bag or bottle which are not reach their expiry date .Vaccine should be before reach expiry date ...Mixed vaccine must be used within 2 hours ..
*If the bird are injected intra dermally or in the muscles of the neck,it may cause damage to the muscles which may cause scar tissue resulting in twisted necks which will lead to poor performance.
*If the needle is inserted too deep ,the needle may be inserted into the spinal cord and this will cause the bird to die within minutes .
*If the needle is inserted at ,it the side ,it may cause damage to blood vessels causing subcutaneous bleeding .as the thymus glands lie below the skin on both side of neck ,vaccine may be injected in general,training and monitoring of the vaccination crews and application techniques is very important in avoiding such failures...if the needle is inserted too deep ,the needle may be inserted into the spinal cord and this will cause the bird to die within minutes ..
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