Nest box management
To provide and maintain environmental condition which will ensure that the hatchability potential of the egg in maintain for the time of play until hatching and also to produce good quality chicks.
to maintain the clean hygiene and sufficient number of nest boxes to the birds.
To provide comfortable environment during the laying period.
Nest Box Requirement calculation
the nest box to be place across the said example capacity of the birds for pain is equal to 600. Space for birds 3 square feet in deep litter shed. We required one hole for five birds.
Total words in the pen 600 words for 5 is equal to 120 hole. Required nest boxes equal 120 per 12 equal 10 boxes for 12 hall per next box.
For every 80 square feet of floor area we need one nest Box with 12 hole.
The nest box to be placed in uniform roti o in all area of the pen.
Gap between the nest box is 4 feet nest box placement. Calculate the number of nest boxes required based on the number of birds to be placed. Place the next box in search a way that the opening are in East West direction across the length of the set for pen. Allocate sufficient amount of space between the nest boxes.It is based on the number of birds in the pain per shed. Nest box is is introduced for week period to egg production prepare a label at 18th week.the black paint to be done in the next box inside hole to create privacy and dark atomsphere show the hands in order to attract the birds.
Place 4 and 5 birds for hole in the nest Box.
12/24 for box.
Key point
the greatest pressure on the nest boxes will be when the block is hectic because more birds will be looking for space seriously and the the this time it is common to see birds rushing to use the which leader the gap between the next box and litre to be covered using 3 seeds per binding wire.
Specification and facilities of the nest hole
Front 12th inch
Height 14th inch
Death 14th inch
Height of the nest box from the letter material 5 inch
Husk guard depth 4 inch
Avoid nest box contact with litre.every match in the next box should we follow to avoid rust and provide privacy to the birds.
Husk placement and hygiene maintenance. Checking off husk and condition of disinfect.
Deep learning of number of collection timing is such that the egg do not remain uncollected for clean for more than 1 hour. Best on the pic production the number of collection to be increased to about neet minimum 7 to 8 times. A single collection should not exceed more than 50% of the total eggs. Remove the flour eggs in the pan at every collection compulsory.
Best practice
During pic production engage more worker to collected the eggs frequently till first 3 to 4 collection in the the F.N.
At the time of onset engage in all nest boxes to that it will encourage the hens to lay eggs in the next box.if a hen start laying eggs in the floor then by watching them the other hand also will lay at the floor so that the floor eggs will increase.
Flour eggs should be collected at every collection in all the pen.
Educate the labour for collecting the floor eggs.
Too frequent collection will increase the percentage of floor eggs.
Nest box number should be based on the number of birds in the pen.
Based on previous day eggs collection. And next day expected quantity required number of trace is arranged from Central stores or from the farms. The unused trays are returned to the cleaning room for next eggs collection.
Cleaned and disinfected plastic trays are to be used.
Press note to be placed above the nest box in the shed.the collection of egg should start from the inside nest box and complete nest box near the door.during collection verify all nest box for availability of eggs and collected them fully. Do not disturb the birds in the nest while collecting the eggs.don't keep the tray in hand while collecting eggs keep tray down and use both hand to collected eggs. One hand lift Deewar and other hand to collected eggs. If birds present inside nest.while stacking of collected eggs that are keep in correct position and do not damage the eggs. Bullet leg and back in the narrow in down. Fix the next day with proper position.bring to clean area gift and separately record it separately in voice in the eggs collection register to calculate the pen wise HDP.
Bolda best egg to be keep in a closed container. Do not throw them in the open area. Dispose the damage eggs in the proper disposal area.
transfer the collected eggs to the cleaning room immediately after completing one pen. Before leaving the said over the top tray with empty trays. The trees are to be keep on pen mark area inside the cleaning room. Frequent egg collection
Hand wash in 20 impact solution for every collection. Clean cleaness of plastic tray. Don't keep more than 7 egg trays.Avoid late collection.
Dont keeping the the soiled and clean egg in the same tray.cake where there the room is clean if not clean the room with broom the floor is to be marked with mopping stickthe floor is to be marked with mopping stick in the morning before starting eggs cleaning.
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