Hand wash
Wash the hands truly with disinfect before handling the egg. First surgery get the cleaned hatching eggs as per selection parameter and keep them in the trays. Weight 48 gram and above. Safe oval.
Texture even thick shell
Thin shelled
Miss happen egg
Mini egg
Porous eggs
Hairline crack eggs
Crack eggs
Soiled egg
Jumbo eggs
Separate the clean egg first from all the trays.
Excess soiled eggs to be separated and keep them in separate tray this is to be rejected.
With male can be cleaned with 100 emery to to set only on that area to remove the dirt. Don't rub ful eggs emery sheet and this will separate with communication.manually record all the details of selected hatching egg and rejected egg pen wise.
Eggs should not we was in the water not to use wet cloth for cleaning.Avoid shaking the egg during not rub the entire area of the word dirty with it as this will remove the the layer of the egg which will reduce the hatchability. Monitoring identification and transfer.
.At the end of the day calculate the selection percentage and hen body weight percentage.
.The date and farm name to be e shield on 3 to 4 every tray.
.Transfer the clean egg to cool room.
. At every egg collection the super supervisor incharge to monitor and ensure that the clean or rejected egg are not makes up the good reading eggs.
. The 100 reached the cool room within 1 hour from egg collection time from the nest.
. Fully damaged egg burn in the mortality feat in the evening hours.
.the fully damage egg are rejected and disposed through a drum with lid.
. The Ande mein rejected egg place in the paper trace and transfer to the table egg store room.
.Avoid the vigorous shaking eggs during cleaning.
. Penning solvay as fast as possible in neat.
. Personal hygiene is important the hand with disinfect solution.
. To destroy the pathogenic organisms on eggs shell surface.
. Fumigation room is to be arrange one month before laying period. Rack is provided for keeping the egg. That rays are arrange such that all rack are uniformly loaded.the size of the box to be at least 6 feet height by 1.5 feet depth and 4 feet widh and to have provisions for holding 5000 eggs. The button of the wreck to be in well udan repair with gap. A wall clock is to be placed near the room.the fumigation container volume should be three to four time that of the the quantity of fumigation.check where there the books are in clean condition, if not it should be cleaned with coir brush. The white Mount diesel filled with water at the bottom of the box to maintain the humidity of the room. Don't use mood pot for the fumigation to avoid possible chance of crack. Fumigation vessel . Check and repair the leakage area. Required and give into the labour everyday morning. The trays are such that all truck are uniformly needed. Dipesh dhaakad aap to maximum of 7 tray height. Between two rows provide one hand with so that the trade can be lifted and remove and also for effective from fumigation .After 20 minutes open the door and leave it for 10 minutes to escape the the fumes.then remove the dress from fumigation box and send to a cleaning room.
1 gram KMnO4+2 ml of formalin one cubic for foot of 20 minutes. To maintain RH 75% inside the fumigation box. To maintain the RH agri sprayer 2 with the sidewall and the Gunny cloth before placing eggs boxes.
Provision of exhaust fan in the fumigation box/ room to remove the fumes. The fumigation box room measurement and disinfect quantity to be display on the door of the room.Give KMNO4,formaline in separte container with measured quantity of be each time use .
hygiene condition must be maintained throughout all egg handling procedures.
Maintain the fumigation chamber clean.
Ensure alarm clock for timing.
Fumigation for more than 20 minutes
Improper dosage of fumigation.
to provide and maintain environmental condition we will ensure that the hatchability protects onel of the egg is maintained for the the time of lay until hatching.
.We Insulated and lined with an previous material which can be easily sanitize.
. The ceilling of store is approximately 7 feet height from the floor level.
.Three tier racks for good air circulation and better cool room hygiene management.
.The ceiling to be insulated properly..
. For the efficient cooling.
. H E should we place in plastic trays for the first 24 hours.
.Air cooler can be placed inside the cold room to maintain the required RH.
.plastic trays should we keep with sufficient space for effective cooling for the first 24 hour.
as for the receipt of the number of egg.for everyday one a content clock inlay details at the centre of the top tray. The rake are of 3.25 feet height and 2.25 feet with and 6 feet length.
Holding capacity 252 tray of 70 s height. Total holding capacity 7560 eggs. Before placing the hatching egg in the empty cool room the required temperature and humidity need to be maintained 2 hours before. The movement of egg to be through the windows get only. Unauthorised person are not allowed into the cool room.devar kar to be put day and was before entering into the cool room and handling the egg. The The eggs to be stock date wise and the sufficient gap to be maintained between the eggs box.
Monitor the temperature and humidity once in a hour. The recommended temperature to be case if the standard RH is not maintained air cooler can be installed.condition as per the maintenance checklist.disinfected water is keep in vesel to maintain the humidity. The cool room to be leak and rat proof.
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