. For flooring -Use Husk
.Nest Bosx- Use only Husk
. For the purchase of Husk follow the below quantity
.Deep litter-4 inch height
.Slat cum Deep litter-6-8 inch height
Nest Box -2 inch height /nest each time.
Criteria for approval
. The litter material namely husk to be free from the following criteria.
.Husk-Free from dust/sand /broken rice etc.Both powder and cake formation is to be avoided.It is to be free from wetness and bad odour.
Husk:3 to 5 kg per bird for flooring .
Nest Box :1 to 2 kg /Bird
Arrangements of bedding material
.Best on the requirement and specification the farm incharge to prepare the the indent.
.The same to be approved by the for manager and DGM in the hard copy of the Indent.
. Indent to indicate quantity name of the latter material required date.
. The intent to be given at least one month before chicks / birds arrival.
. The supplier inform the SCM department about vehicles arrival details.
. Once the vehicles reach the office SCM dept to arrange for load where in the weight bridge and wet and get the lord with sleep in the preference of the respective form educative.
. Till unloading empty the educated sold present with vehicles. Before I wake mint waste material stone water in buckets in present in the vehicles if so remove it. Confirm all the material present at load weight should be present at empty weight re weight also. Disinfect to be spray on the vehicles Tyre and mudguard. The driver to go through foot deep in the disinfected solution. Devi kills to be part near the husk room. The vehicles to be put in gear and the engine to be switch off.
. Unload the the hack swag one by one and type the bag and for the husk in the husk room. The room floor to be cemented, rat in rain water proof.
.Formalin -1 litter/ton.
.Formalin -5/ml/Bag
.Spread the heaped husk by bucket /busket and spread it uniformly to the specified thickness it the empty shed.
.Deep litter-4 inch height husk
.Salt cum Deep litter -6 to 8 inch height husk
. Spray the requirement Indian design paint on the the prayer letter with the help of knapsack sprayer.
. Periodical disinfect pray to be done as per the schedules.
Sugi clean DE 204/206 GOLD -3-5ml/lit of water.
. The witness during spraying.
. Weekly once the the aerial spray to be done.
.Rack the litter in such a way that the bottom litter is turned to the top and the top litter is turned to the bottom with racker/shovel.
.During the litter racking remove the wet litter under the pipe line .
. The dry litter from other side is moved below the pipeline/Drinker.
.Removed the caked litter every day while racking .Add New husk 1 or 2 bags as required.
Control /quality parameter
.Once in a day in the morning after 11 am.
.Avoid racking in the evening hours and the matting should not be disturbed.
.If the wet ness is more removes it from the shed dry it out.
.Ammonia smell should note be present inside the shed.
.The condition of litter to be monitored for its condition daily based on the following parameters.
.Optimum moisture to be bellow 30%
.The litter should fall freely and smoothly when droped from a particular height.
.It should not be blown by wind.
Removal of litter from the shed ,Completely removed the litter from the shed after culling as per the shed cleaning SOP. Follow the shed cleaning SOP.
.Litter to be racked daily
.Ensure good ventilation
.Check water flowing rate in the tubes,condition and height of the drinker.
.Good drainage system around the sheds.
.Remove the wet litter and add the fresh husk under the drinker.
.Take preventive measures for rain seasons.
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