Vaccination program in the poultry farm
To provide the birds with exposure to a form of the infectious organism which promote a good immunological response.
PLANNING, RECEIVE AND STORAGE OF VACCINE 1-Before the arrival of objects received the approval schedule for vaccination in divisional head.
2-The vaccination schedules to be displayed in the form office by the form in charge.
Arranging of vaccines
1-Based on the vaccination schedule in India is prepared by the form in charge get approval from the divisional head with the details of the name of the vaccines and company quantity based on the number of chicks to be received.
1-the vaccines are received as per the intend to the farm.
Vaccine schedule format: Age in day, age in week, name of the vaccine, name of the company, due date, done date & remark.
1-dericip vaccines are stored in the the refrigerator with the temperature of 2 to 8 degree Celsius still use.
2- At power cut timing The generator to be on for temperature maintenance.
Control/ quality parameters
-live vaccine should we maintain it 2 and 8 degree Celsius.
-killed vaccine should be maintain at 2 to 8 degree Celsius.
- Diluent the should we maintain at 2 to 8 degree Celsius.
Key points
-frequently check the The functioning of the refrigerator and check the temperature using a standard temperature.
-in case of power failure genset has to be switched on.
. Do not freeze.
. Do not store any eat bles along with the with vaccine.
. Maintain the refrigerator as per the maintenance schedule prescribed by the manufactures.
1-arrange the equipment based on the received chicks.
. Freezer
. Refrigerator
. Syringe
. Cold ice container / thermocol box
.Eye dropper
. Vaccinator 2 number for every 5000 chicks
. Needle for every 1000 with size based on age .
1-give aunties stress medicine a day before on the day and the next day of vaccination.
2-make sure the killed vaccine is at room temperature Prior to use.
3-sufficient water should be available in the drinker nipple line always.
4-clean the vaccinator with plain and hot water sterilizer them in the hot water and keep for sundry.
5-check the working condition of the vaccinator. If any damage found replace them with the new one.
. A day before keep the spare parts, needle ,vaccinator, tool kit ready.
. The regular working schedules to be completed.
.Ensure the entire feed is consumed by the birds. after consuming the feed immediately lift the feeders.
. Vaccination should be carried out after 3 hours of feed completion in broiler and cool evening hours for the player.
.make a partition in the pen using cotton and place all the birds within the the partitioned area. Additional 1 cotton to be used to split the cover birds into two.handle aur vaccinate one area fast and followed with second area of the petition.
. Ensure the availability of water ,space and comfortability of birds.
.check the birds do not escape from the petition area to the other side of the pen.
. Each team should consist of six member including one vaccinating person.
. For one room one veg sold do vaccination.
. Use husk bag outside to leave the birds after the vaccination.
. Cotton should be at the level of 4 feet for compatible vaccination and releasing of birds.
1-Withdrow 3 ml of diluents from the diluents bottle with a sterile and needle.
2-discharge the diluents from the syringe into the vaccine vial.
3-Gently swirl or agitate the vaccine vial so as to dissolve the freeze- dried vaccine pallet to avoid and foam formation as this reduces vaccine titer.
4-recharge the syringe with the diluents and makes vaccine and discharge the same into the diluents bottle.
5-Rinse the vaccine vial two and three times with the diluents by using the diluents and needle above and then discharged the the rinsed contents into the talent bottle having vaccine virus.
6-Gently switi the reconstituted vaccine and now the vaccine is ready for administration.
1-Keep the killed vaccine vials at room temperature 2 hours prior to the administration.
2-make sure the vaccine is at room temperature at time of use.
3-room temperature 28 degree Celsius.
4-shake the vaccines well before using.
5-while using strip frequently for uniform mixing.
1-Pour the vaccine in the vaccinator.
2-calibrate before and halfway through each vaccination and regular interval.
3-gentle push the vaccinator and inject the birds through the needle.
4-Up to 6 week 22 gauge needle half inch
5-7 to 12 20 G needle up.
6-13 to 15 week 20 gauge needle half inch.
7-16 to 40 week 19 gauge needle half inch.
8-41 week convert 18 gauge and half inch needle.
. Inject the five dosage in a syringe.
.For a 0.2 ml calibration check 1 ml of vaccine is obtained and for 0.5 ml dosage check 2.5 ml of vaccine is obtained.
1-Before vaccination clean all the drinker equipments.
2-Based on the water conjunction of the birds,no of drinker and Feeders in the shed, the rotio of mixing of vaccine and water is planned and decided .
3-mix the vaccine with major amount of water and stirl thoroughly.
4-use cool water for making the wax in which is chlorine free ice.
5-while mixing the vaccine in drinking water clean milk powder is used 8 gram per litre of water and also use the indicator dye per manufacture requirement and tension example Vacciboost20 gm per100 litres.
6-use measuring ko to distribute the vaccinated water in the drinker and feeders.
7-the drinker/ nipple are left or the inlet valves are closed before feeding to to create the water scarcity for the birds.
8-place the extra drinker and feeder in the shed.pour direction mix water in the extra drinker and feeder.
9-place the auto drinker for 50 parts in the nipple shed and pour the requirement vaccine.
10-All the Diluted vaccins to be completed within1.5 hours.
11-Ensure all the birds consume the vaccine take by examining the birds tongue for the bluish discolouration after completion.
Control / quality parameter
1-Ensure all the birds consume the vaccinated water.
2-once the vaccinated water is fully consume by the birds the drinker with sanitize water are drop down.
3-the vaccine mixed what are age consume within 2 hours .
4-if the birds have Conjuring the accelerated water fully release the the uncertainty water from the five line in the drinker channel.
5-collect the equipment that are used for vaccination and clean them with bleaching powder in the cleaning area.
Note:-water sanitizer is not added on any circumstances on the day. Don't forget for additional of skim millk powder/Vacci boost.
1-Pour the vaccine in the dropper.
2-celebrate before and half way through each vaccinating day.
3-maxi net in the the cooler parts of the day.
4-keep the lower eyelid fixed with your home so I the chicks cannot close it while vaccination.
5-Holkar dropper of obsolutely medical during vaccination.this weather drop side is the same and uploading Lee number doses constant.
6-administer the vaccine drop in the surface of eye the and should not touch the eyes.
7-ensure the droplet disappear into the cavity by closure of the eyelid and engulfing symptoms.
Note:- To prevent the damage to the eye, do not touch the eyeball with the dropper.
2-If vaccinating into the breast inside the needle 2.5 for 23.5 CM from the side of the keel in to the thickest part of the muscle.Direct the needle towards the birds back when vaccinating.
3-monitor the sharpness of the needle regularly while vaccinating and if it is found to be blunt change the needle immediately and monitor for bleeding if any.
4-needle should be changed for every 500 birds.
5-check for the liquid in the vaccinator during vaccination and if it is found to be leaking tighten the needle screws and joints.
Pass the needle into the best of the fold of skin parallel to the line of the neck and inject the vaccine into the space between the skin and underline muscles. Observed for the the escape of the vaccine from the side of the injection.
Wing web
Gently handle the birds lift the wings deep the the lancet into the vaccine and administer the vaccine into the vein of the wings.Ensure 100% of the birds are vaccinated.if any words is found to be left without vaccination accident immediately.placing the injected birds in the empty area of the pen.after website vaccinating the birds handling them carefully and place them in the empty area of the pen. After fox vaccination ensure the pock like eruptionat vaccination site after three to five days.
Disposal monitoring
The vaccine vial,vaccine & Diluent container are to be Dipped in bucket containing formalin 100ml/liter of water.After 3 hours all vials should be collected and sent to scrap yard.Needle,droppers should be burnt or buried in the disposal mortality pit..
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