Weekly Body weight Monitoring &Feed distribution in the poultry farm
To control the development of the birds ,throughout the growing period ,to achieve the maximum reproductive performance .To establish and maintain target body weight ,good flock uniformity by means of accurate control of feed allowances and feed distribution .Once a week 10% of the birds in every pen are to be weight and the weight of the birds are recorded in the body weight chart .Calculate the body weight of the pen,CV% no of the birds available in different grades.All the partitioned birds to be weight and all the weight to be taken for calculate of CV.
Sample size and F value sample size 25 3.12 3.94 sample size 75 preference value for point 81
30 sample size 4.39 preference value 80 sample size 4.87 preference value
35 sample size for points20 points value 85 sample size 4.90 reference value
40 sample size for point 30 points value 85 sample size 4.87 points value
45 sample size 4.40 frequency value 95 sample size for 99 83 points value
50 sample size 4.50 X 1200 sample size for 5.02
55 sample size 4.5 73 points value above 150 sample size 5.03 reference value
Failure to achieve early body weight targets will result in non-uniformity flocks with poor skeletal development and poor feather .These flocks will not respond predication and are unlikely to achieve the potential performance .
*Start sample body weight and continue once weekly .throughout the growing period .Weight birds at the same place of the pen every week .Use curtain to corner the birds .take same weight in all the birds inside the curtain /partition.. used the eccurate birds weight scale.
Calculate average body weight and uniformity, record and plot using a body weight chart. Calculate the field allowance based on deviation of average body weight from target body weight. Use defeat standard chart as a guide only. Best on the body weight and uniformity, Hand grading to be done daily. 280 target body weight throughout the life of birds. To ensure correct growth and development loving the birds to be achieved uniform and co-ordinate sexual mortality. Both within and between sexes.to minimise variation within clock thereby creating clock which are easier to manage. Place the requirement number of Pan feeder repair the label on the floor to ever swinging. In the pan using nylon Rope at the specified height.. Fida permanently fix the distance between the feeder tu to each sold with three feet gap in all side. Scale to be fixed position and the scale reading to be clear. The NTR requirement and end sample percentage to be weight. The reading to be not only after the scale association get stopped.where the birds by hanging both leg and wink mint should be in the same corner of the pe FEEDER SPACE
6-2 week 10cm/birds
6-20 week 10-11cm/birds
6 to 10 week 22cm for birds
11 to 23 week 13 to 15 CM for birds
Above 24 17cm per birds. From seventh week to 15th week breeder broiler feed to be provided.provide the recommended 6 day feed mixing forever the type of it is changed. DCC to BGC it is done gradually by mixing as per the speciality mixing ratio. DJ change over to be done within 7 day..
1 and 2 days 75% feed new type 25%
3 and 4 days 55% feed new type 55%
5 and 6 day 25% feed new type also 75%
7 days zero percentage new type feed 100%..
Feed gram increment during growing period immediately after grading. From 5th week on what should not reduce the feed and give gram follow the feed jump as per standard jump.
Standard feed 39 gram reading after 39 and 43 gram per 5 th wk.
Most above standard field 39 gram on 4th week 5th week feed grams 43 .
Standard fourth 39 gram feed reading after 53 grams
Below grade 39 grams on 4th week 39 gram for grading after 43 5th week.
Most below 39 Ram on 4th week reading after 42 /45 grams 5 th week..
follow tha AVN feed increment pattern Aaj per explanation week wait till 15th week.
Don't hold same feed grams for more than 7 days.
v gram Per birds for particular week should be in between standard of previous week and next week per all the grades.
From 18th age uniform feed gram to be given to all grads birds .
FIR gram can be 325 type based on the weekly weight gain.
Increment can be given in split manner also two to three increment per week specially in above grades.
*Using the permanent marker write the PIN number in empty bag and allowed the same bag everyday for transferring the field to that particular pain.
*the required quantity of it is weight on the previous day evening for the next day and keep in the feed bag in front of each pen.
*Ensure the feed bags are keep safe and not to access by the parts coordinates and to be protected from rain.
*Shift the back from feed room to 10 at morning feeding time.
*Use the required measuring cap for distributing the feed.
*The feeder are lifted before distributing the field in the feeder.
*to achieve uniform distribution for person distributed on feet simulator slip form for to the pain into the feeder. One row one person in the mandate.
*after feeling the feeder they are drop down quickly distribution and dropping will be within 3 minutes.
While dropping down alternate reader should be dropped fast and then balance before should be dropped. To make uniform birds distribution.during feeder distribution the birds are to be separate evenly in the pain. All feeder to be dropped simultaneously and pledge to be avoided should we keep on the floor and not to be hanged for the feed intake of birds.monitor will there all the birds consume the feed properly and the birds do not wonder without required amount of feeder space.
without birds should not be seen if so near range.after feed intake if the fielder are found empty then it is lifted up. Clean the feeders at regular intervals with cloth at least one in a week if found any dirty due to spray or witness clean frequently. If there is no sufficient amount of space count the number of birds in recalculate the required field displays accordingly added additional feeder if found feeder without birds for birds with outfielder per uterus with less path means correct it by counting the birds and feeder in allowed the required standard feeder for floor space.the Ensure quantity of it is to be e within the specified time 45 minutes by the birds. Is the time duration for pet conjunction is too early check number of birds number of feeders gap between the feeders feed between feed sleep feed quality and birds health. conjunction within 45 minute 45 to 1 hour.
Quantity of feed for the pen
Number of birds in the pen
Birds health
physical property of the feed and toxin analysis to be carried out. Check crop field score with in one hour of the feed clean up. Variation found correction in feeder to feeder space standard number of feeder and birds counting equal field distribution.the field clean up time to be recorded in the master sheet by the farm supervisor Daily. Control body weight by adjustment of fit allowance. Never be increased feed allowance during growing period field allowance old either be maintained or increased. Don't hold the same feed grams for more than one week. Use accurate feed weight equipment . Give birds the correct feeding space.putting down the freedom to be done within 3 minutes in each pen. Increase of teeth gums gradual. Feed distribution should be from hour corners of the pen. Check the feeder condition for hedging and damage. Free distribution should be equal in all feeders.wet feet should be kept carefully in a specified pen and ever birds speaking feed bags. Equal quantity of it in the each feeder..
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